Sunday, 17 April 2011

Day 5

Hey yall,
The last couple of days have kinda been crazy. Great things have happened but so have some well not so great.

What should we start with, the good or the bad ?
Ah lets get the bad out of the way.

Well last Monday I was suppose to go to court to stand as a witness for my brother, because I've been supervising his visits with his daughter my niece.  I really don't want to go to into detail into it, it's just stupid is what this whole situation is that and lies. My brother is a great dad and she's his whole world but now she doesn't want to see him and I have a good feeling that her mother is behind all of this but the lawyer said that it doesn't matter if she doesn't want to see you then there is nothing he can do about it and the thing I don't get either is he still has to pay child support. RIDICULOUS! 3 more years though that's all he has but were still going to her skating competitions , no one can stop us from doing that unless they get a restraining order on us but can they do that for a whole family? I just find it hard to believe that all of a sudden she just wants to cut him and the rest of his family out of her life.

On a happier note..
I got perfect on all of the assignments handed back to me on Friday which is a first, made me feel so great except for one I got an 8 out of 10 but still that's awesome, I felt so good because I never get that high of a mark. I couldn't stop smiling (:

Ya so I'm not giving up, one day she'll wake up and realize that she's only hurting herself and I'll get my best friend back, okay she wasn't like my best friend because I wouldn't tell her everything about my social life but we were definitely close and I know she looked up to me.

I never knew my dad (I'm adopted, can't remember if I told you that but I am) he was never a part of my life, I don't even know what he looks like I just have a name that's about it so she should be happy that he want's to be in her life .

Peace I'm hungry and then I'm going back to working on assignments.

- A -

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