Sunday 10 April 2011

Day 3 : What a day

Hey everyone, when I say what a day, I don't mean that is was so fantastic today or that it was so horrible today or even that I did so many things today, when I say "What a day" I mean weather wise. 

Right now it is so hot in my room, and it's always like this but I feel like today it has been extra hot. Right now I'm on the verge of sweating. It was so nice out today that maybe that's why it's so extra warm in here then usual. It's crazy to think that about 11 days ago  it was snowing out and today we had 70 degree weather. Now that's the kind of weather I like. The kind where you can wear shorts and a t shirt and feel warm but not gross disgusting humid so hot kind of weather. 

Last night my nephew slept over and we put up a tent in my living room. I slept alright although  he probably slept better then I did. A couple of times he was sleeping on me or had is arm around me and I just felt claustrophobic. I don't like it when people are all up in my space when I sleep, I need to be by myself lol. (Laugh out loud for all of you small percentage out their that don't know what it means or for me so when I look back on this and go what the frick or wtf for short is lol? ) 

I got most of what I needed to get done , done. I still have to work on my one report and finish my other. I have to go to court this week as a witness but fortunately I don't know when and I wish I did because it's totally screwing with me because I don't know when I'll have time to get the stuff done I need to get done.  

Well I'm going to keep it short, I  feel like when I'm not doing homework that I get all stressed because I should be doing homework, ever since field placement I've been getting this feeling that I should be doing something 24/7 and shouldn't be taking a break, well I mean for sleep of course but other than that I shouldn't be. 

So ya I'm going to bed, I'm hoping that the trial is tues so I miss school and it doesn't inturupt the rest of my time. 

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