Monday 4 April 2011

April 4th, 2011

Day 1 of my many blog entries to come. 

So today was good I guess, I had no school and I didn't have to babysit so I decided to go to work on some assignments at my school. I find I do better there but today was just busy.
 It didn't matter where I went there were students there and I mean of course it's college there's going to be people there but I mean there was no space or anywhere quiet to go except for the library. But it was too quiet there. I like the computer lab the best. It's got noise but not to much noise and I feel relaxed.
 I don't know it's hard to explain and I'm sure reading this makes me sound like a weirdo but I've already come to the conclusion that I am a weirdo since I decided to drive 25 minutes to a place where I don't have to be and work on homework. 
My friend Juan (wan is how you would pronounce it for those who have no idea) but I call him June or June bug it's my nickname for him since my friend Sondra, named him June because apparently for her Juan was too hard to remember and then well for me I just kind of started calling him June bug. Anyways back to my story, he took me to Starbucks which I have never been there before in my life which I guess means I lost my Starbucks virginity today. I didn't buy anything because well because I don't have the kind of money to waste it on pricey drinks.
 Anyways I am getting way off topic, so we went there and even at Starbucks there was like no where to sit but we managed to find a small table but I don't know if it was the awful music or just the atmosphere in general but I couldn't concentrate. So we went back to St.Clair ( that's my college) and just hung till he went to class oh and he skipped out of his first class to hang with me, he said it was his health class and didn't really want to go but I was not impressed that he did that but it's his education not mine if he wants to skip then fine. Sorry but because it's college I do not want to ever miss a class if I don't have to. 
Oh and then this morning he told me to go to Griff's (it's our pub) so I did and as he tried to grab my phone away so I wouldn't text Sondra because apparently he told her something about me that he didn't want me to know but I guess June Bug isn't hat bright of a bug because if he knows me and Sondra, then he knows we've been best friends for a long long time and she will tell me everything so even if you say oh "Don't tell Ashley" She's going to tell me.
 So ya he goes to grab my phone away and his arm knocked my water all over me, my shirt, shorts, bag, ya like everything. He is still trying to say that is was me that did it but I swear it was him and THEN he doesn't even go to the waitress to ask for a towel he makes me. I was not impressed and sure if it wasn't me I'd probably laugh and looking back I will probably laugh about it as well but when you are soaking wet with no change off clothes and its already raining outside to begin with so you can't go outside to air off and your searching for a bathroom with a blow dryer and you can't find one. Ya it's not funny. 
But then I had remembered that I had put on tights underneath my jeans and had brought my favourite sweater and my sweater was longer then my but which made me happy because I have this thing that if I wear tights then my top has to be covering my but. I cannot rock tights and not have  a shirt that's covering my ass. I just can't I don't like it on me nor do I like it on any one else I think it's gross. So ya that's been my day so far. It's almost 5pm so my day isn't exactly almost done but that is what has happened. 

Anyways I should probably get back to my homework. It'd be a smart thing to do. Pretty soon I'll be done my first year and at the same time I will be half way done my schooling, I know it's crazy. But once I'm done school in April but technically May (More on that in a different blog post.) I'll be able to see this boy more often :) <3 (once again more on him in a later blog to come.)

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