Thursday 23 June 2011

Day 9

Well hello, it's been a while but right now this is my life, farm, clean, me time, bed, and repeat. Me and boy are on much better terms. Story short I think he realizes how serious I am about this and I've definitely seen an improvement and for those who have no idea what I am talking about it probably sounds like I am trying to change him and that's not at all and I am too lazy to explain it all haha maybe another night but things are just perfect between us, well at this moment they are <3 .
Tonight's goal is to organize a calendar and figure out stuff because there are so many that want to hang with me and stuff I want to do and I want to hang with them to but I just need to see what days I'm free, I don't mean to sound like I am the shit if that's what your thinking like I have so many friends but there's about 9 people that I all want to hang out this summer and I am trying to make it work so I can hang with them all not necessarily at the same time but soon bc some I haven't seen in a long time and I feel bad but at the end of the night I am tired out and the work I do I don't even get paid a lot because it's on my parents farm but I don't want a job right now. I help out my sister so it's nice to know that she can get me whenever you know? And the other days I just work at the farm.
It's nice because this year my two Aunts and cousins are helping which I love because I have gotten to get close to them and not in that way but like I have never been that close to them. Family reunions have always been awkward it's like who do I talk to ? I don't know I get what I am trying to say and I guess that it's all that matters but it's been nice. It makes me enjoy what I am doing so much more but pretty soon strawberry season will be over and we won't need them anymore which makes me sad :( . But next time there s a family reunion I'll know who to talk to . :) I also plan on visiting them so that makes me happy. They've got a lot of really cool pets and I feel like this will only bring us closer and closer. It just makes me feel so happy inside. You know that feeling inside where at that moment life just seems so great and perfect?
Well I've got 9 more minutes lol until it's 9pm and then it's finish my friends graduation video that I'm putting together for her since I was the official video taper at her grad." lol Which also makes me happy because...
The boy has transferred to my school which makes me soo happy so when we get our schedules we'll have to show each others and stuff and his is a one year program so we will be graduating at the same time. :) <3
Well that's about it. I've got fireworks on Monday to go to with Sondra. Did I ever mention her? Well she and I have become really close ever since we started school together in September. She's in the same program as me and we had  met about a year and half before that and now we've been besties for over two years now.
I love that girl . I'm even trying to hook her up with the cousin. lol Or at least show him that there are other fish in the sea if you get what I am saying.
Anyways toot a loo's :)
- A -

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