Sunday 5 June 2011

Day 8

I'm back and I know chances are no one will ever read this but me but I'm fine with that. It's like my journal, except I really don't care if you read it. My life is crazy and there is always something happening. I've always got a story to tell.

So field placement is over and I got an A. I wrote to boy and the next day he responded. We had both agreed that we would just start fresh. I texted good morning but he responded that he was going back to bed so I said okay just text me later he said okay but did I hear from him? Of course not. I'm giving him a week which I think is beyond fair. I don't get it. Things were great and then slowly we started drifting. I tried to keep holding on but it's pretty hold to grab onto something when the other is not.

I'm not going to be the kind of girl who keeps trying. That's dumb. To me that just screams out needy and I am not. I don't need him. Do I want him? Yes, I thought he was amazing but now not so much. My friend was right. She said that he would just do this again and I really didn't think so but what the hell? Like ugh this really pisses me off. I don't want my summer to be of confusion but I still have no idea what the is going on between us. If I don't hear from him by this Friday then I am saying good bye. Like ugh I just want to smack him I'm so mad at him!

Ugh why can't I find a boyfriend! :( I'm not saying I need a boyfriend. I've been single for pretty much my whole life with a few boyfriends here and there but I'm at an age where I know who I am inside and out, I love myself for who I am and I am ready to share my life with someone. I really thought we had a shot but now not so sure.

Like is this how you would treat me if we were dating ? Because you don't ignore your girlfriend and I am not saying were dating but if you like someone aren't you suppose to show an interest?

Anyways I pretty much just talked about him the whole time but other then that life is going alright, got an A in field placement so that's great :)

I'll talk to you all later. T SWIFT this weekend!! :)


- A -

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